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The Treatment

Sarah Moorhead

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

The future of law enforcement has arrived, courtesy of Janus Justice: their ground-breaking ‘Offender Treatment Programme’ has been hailed as the most effective way of tackling crime yet.

As offenders move through the four-tiered system, their needs are dealt with, each one more drastic in its methods:

Tier One: Low-risk crimes. Physical therapy encouraged

Tier Two: Trauma and addiction. Emotional and psychological reasons for offending are examined

Tier Three: Aversion Therapy & Moral Punishment

Tier Four: Siberia, where all hope is lost…

But Grace Gunnarsson, Janus’ most highly regarded rehabilitation psychiatrist, has uncovered a terrible flaw in the system: people are getting away with murder...

Born in Liverpool, Sarah Moorhead has told stories since childhood and uses writing as bubblegum for her over-active brain – to keep it out of trouble. Fascinated by meaning, motivation and mystery, she studied Theology at university. Over the last twenty five years, apart from teaching in secondary school, Sarah has attained a black belt in kickboxing, worked as a chaplain, established a Justice and Peace youth group, and written articles for newspapers and magazines about her work in education and religion.

Category:  Crime & Mystery
ISBN:  9781804365366
Publisher:  Canelo
On sale:  September 2023
Format:  Paperback
eBook ISBN   
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