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 Conversation: Authors Vanessa Raphaely & Karin Schimke in coversation with Pippa Hudson 

Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Time: 14:00 - 15:00

Venue: Cape Talk Studios in Greenpoint, Cape Town

RSVP is essential via [email protected] 





 Discussion: An evening with John Connolly, author of The Instruments of Darkness 

Date: Friday, 02 August 2024

Time: 18:00 for 18:30

Venue: Exclusive Books V&A Waterfront, Cape Town

RSVP is essential via [email protected] 




 Celebration Launch: The Revised Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud 

Date: Saturday, 24 August 2024

Time: 17:00 for 17:30 until 19:00

Venue: HCC Homecoming Centre, Corner Buitenkant St & Caledon St, District Six, Cape Town

RSVP: Click this link www.quicket.co.za to buy tickets




 Book Signing: Killer Stories by Brin Hodgskiss and Nicole Engelbrecht 

Date: Saturday, 10 August 2024

Time: 11:00 - 13:00

Venue: Wordsworth Books Garden Centre, Mill Street, Cape Town




It's never too late to bloom ... People aren't sure what to make of Susan Green. Family and colleagues find her prickly and hard to understand - but Susan makes perfect sense to herself.

Age 45, she thinks her life is perfect, as long as she avoids her feckless brother, Edward - a safe distance away in Birmingham. She has a London flat which is ideal for one; a job that suits her passion for logic; and a personal arrangement providing cultural and other, more intimate, benefits.

Yet suddenly faced with the loss of her mother and, implausibly, with the possibility of becoming a mother herself, Susan's greatest fear is being realised: she is losing control. And things can only get worse ... at least in Susan's eyes.

This sparkling debut is a breath of fresh air with real heart and a powerful emotional punch. In Susan we find a character as exasperating and delightful as The Rosie Project's Don Tillman. An uncompromising feminist and a fierce fighter, it's a joy to watch her bloom.


About Sarah Haywood

Sarah Haywood was born in Birmingham. After studying Law, she worked in London and Birkenhead as a solicitor, in Toxteth as an advice worker, and in Manchester as an investigator of complaints about lawyers. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Manchester Metropolitan University, and lives in Liverpool with her husband, two sons and two ginger cats.



The Cactus will be compared to Gail Honeyman's Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine...there is terrible poignancy. Patricia Nicol, The Sunday Times

Legal battles, lapses of logic and the joys and fears of motherhood are explored in this astute, funny and moving novel of a woman learning how to let go. Daily Mail

Quirky, poignant and extremely readable. Sunday Mirror

A brilliantly comic novel about the flawed, controlling and utterly endearing Susan, who, while engaging in a family feud with her feckless brother, embarks unwittingly on a journey of personal enlightenment. The Lady

Funny, compelling, well-written...for fans of Marian Keyes who demand a bit of grit in their comic writing. Emerald Street


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